Hotel Normandy
7 rue de l’Echelle
Paris, Apl. 15.
Dear Sir—
I am very glad, indeed, to hear such favorable news about the t box. To prevent injury in re-packing, I think it best not to have it come to Paris. Therefore, please ship it to Liverpool, marked thus:
[four lines circled:] “Mark Twain,”
Care Cunard S. S. Co.
[“]To be kept till called for.”
Please mark it gla “Handle with Care”—or something like that. But doubtless you always do that, anyway.
Also, please ship that large box to the Cunard S. S. Co., also, ‸(marked like the music box)‸ with those words “To be kept till called for” added—& send me the bill for what I owe you. With many thanks for your kindness in taking care of that package for me so long, I am
Ys Truly
S. L. Clemens
[letter docketed by Troll:] 1879. | [rule] | Paris 15 Avril | S. L. Clemens. | [flourish]
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
MicroPUL, reel
Provenance:Offered for sale by Serendipity Books in July 2000 and on eBay in September 2007.