per Telegraph Operator
6 or 7 February 1875 • Hartford, Conn.
(Paraphrase: Salt Lake City Tribune, 9 Feb 75, UCCL 11983)
By advertisements and play bills, it had been given out that “The Gilded Age,” dramatized from Mark Twain’s celebrated novel of that title, would be presented in the Salt Lake Theater on Monday night, and accordingly a large audience was attracted to witness the expected performance last evening.1 But, as the curtain was about to rise and give “Col. Sellers” an opportunity to see how he looked in the sock and buskin of Willie Gill, a new candidate for histrionic laurels appeared at the footlights, in the person of Deputy United States Marshal A. K. Smith, armed with a writ of injunction against the buccaneers who [contemplated] an act of piracy on the high sea of literature. The Doctor made a decided hit, but he crushed “The Gilded Age” in the twinkling of an eye. This is the legal history of the affair: Mark Twain, (Samuel L. Clemens) of Hartford, Connecticut, is the author as he is
sole owner of the copyright
of the celebrated work of fiction, which by the Act of Congress, of 1870, he has also the exclusive right of dramatizing. In 1873, he did dramatize the novel, and subsequently entered into a contract with John T. Raymond, the eminent actor, by which the latter was given the exclusive right to the play, and guaranteeing legal protection from all infringement by the theatrical profession.2 On last Saturday, Col. E. D. Baker,3 of this city, who is a personal friend of Mr. Raymond, telegraphed that gentleman, that the play was then posted for Monday night in the Salt Lake Theater. Raymond then at once complained to Mr. Clemens of the trespass on his property, whereupon, also the latter telegraphed Messrs. Tilford & Hagan, his attorneys here, to take immediate steps to prevent the representation of “The Gilded Age,” by the pretended owners.4 These gentlemen, with their usual ability forthwith prepared for war in the courts, if necessary, to save the interests of their client.
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
first appearance in an adaptation of Mark Twain’s great American novel of “The Gilded
Age.” Mr. Gill illustrates the character of the widely-speculative, but withal, honest hearted Colonel Sellers, who, with
all the will to make everybody’s fortune, cannot find the way to keep his family in the common necessities of life.
(“‘The Gilded Age,’” 3)
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L6, 371–
Emendations and textual notes:
contemplated • contempleted