Paris, June 14
Dear Frank—
The pictures we sent you a day or two ago must be much more reduced than we stipulated—reduce them another the 35 pictures sent you now occupy 15 pages (& ( of space. This won’t do; they must occupy only half of that. Use your judgment in the reduction, leaving pictures large which ought to be large, & reducing unimportant ones, (like silhouettes,) to very small dimensions. Use your own judgment.
Ys Truly
S. L. Clemens
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
MicroPUL, reel
Provenance:The letter, apparently kept in the American Publishing Company files after receipt, was tipped into volume 1 of SLC
1897–1907, the Royal Edition of The Writings of Mark Twain, the set designated as no. 6, and
removed after the volumes were donated to CU-MARK. Gift of Elizabeth Lyman Potter, 11 July 1996.