Hartford, U. S., July, 1872.
. . . .
[enclosure:] 1
To the English Reader.
A long introductory speech would not become me, a stranger. So I will only say, in offering this revised edition of my book to the English reader, that it is nothing more than a simple record of a pleasure excursion among foreign peoples with whom he is doubtless much better acquainted than I am. I could not have made it learned or profound, if I had tried my best. I have only written of men & things as they seemed to me: & so it is very likely that the reader will discover that my vision was often inaccurate. I did not seriously expect anybody to buy the book when it was originally written—& that will account for a good deal of its chirping complacency & ‸freedom from‸ restraint: the idea that nobody is listening, is apt to seduce a body into airing his small thoughts & opinions with a rather juvenile frankness. But no matter, now. I have said enough to make the reader understand that I am not offering this work to him as either law or gospel, upon any point, principle, or subject; but only as a trifle to occupy himself with when he has nothing to do & does not wish to whistle.
The naive ecstasies of an innocent on his first o voyage, become, in print, a matter of serious concern to a part of the great general world—to-wit, the part which consists of that Innocent himself. Therefore, as nearly unnecessary as this book is, I feel a solicitude about it. Any American likes to see the work of his hands achieve a friendly reception in the mother country, & it is but natural—natural, too, that he should prize its kindly reception there above the same compliment extended by any people other than his own. Our kindred blood & our common language, our kindred religion & political liberty, make us feel nearer to England than to other nations, & render us more desirous of standing well there than with foreign nationalities that are foreign to us in all particulars. So, without any false modesty, or any consciousness of impropriety, I confess to a desire that Englishmen should read my book. That a great many Englishmen have already read it, is a compliment which I mention in this place with what seems to me to be legitimate & justifiable gratification.
The Author.
Explanatory Notes
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L5, 119–120; University of Virginia, 70–71;
Welland, 35–36.
Provenance:The MS, the property of Frances H. S. Stallybrass, was offered for sale in
1950 by Sotheby’s in London (Sotheby 1950, lot 186; see the commentary for 21 June 72 to
Blamire). The catalog misidentified it as a
“Holograph Preface to the English edition of
‘Roughing It,’ dated Hartford,
July, 1872, 4 pp., 8vo.” Information from an unidentified catalog, now with
the MS at ViU, suggests that Clifton Waller
Barrett purchased the MS at a later sale, at which time it was pinned,
probably by the owner or a dealer, to Clemens’s letter of 21 July 72 to
Blamire. Barrett deposited the MS at ViU on 16 April 1960.