Mark Twain.—Your affecting letter notifying us that you have experienced religion in consequence of the solemn impression produced upon your mind by reading the manuscripts sent in for the jocular department is received, and contents noted. Your request that the rejected communications for the Club-Room may regularly be forwarded to you, to be perused as a precaution against backsliding, is gladly granted. A contract has been made with the Express Freight Company, on very advantageous terms, to deliver to your address “one bushel waste paper per diem,” for the receipt and storage of which please arrange. We imagine that if you want to continue solemn, your case is settled.1
Explanatory Notes
“The Galaxy Club-Room” will
hereafter be, like the other departments of the magazine, under
the direct charge of the Editor of “The
Galaxy.” Mr. Donn Piatt finding his time occupied by
his new and successful journal, “The
Capital,” relinquishes his position of Presiding
Officer . . . (“The Galaxy
Club-Room,” Galaxy 12
[Aug 71]: 288) By September, once he was convinced he would get no
further contributions from Clemens, Church probably prepared this
paraphrase of the letter to Piatt for the October
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L4, 393–394.