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Add to My Citations To Josephus N. Larned
18 July 1870 • Elmira, N.Y.
(Paraphrase: Larned 1870 [bib11949], UCCL 11809)
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Personal.—We rejoice to learn from our colleague, Mr. Clemens, who has been in attendance for several weeks at the [sickbed] of Mr. [Jervis] Langdon, of Elmira, that a change for the better has taken place in the condition of that gentleman, and that the physicians now entertain hopes of his recovery, which for some time they had about abandoned.1

Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary

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1 Clemens probably sent this news on the same day as the preceding letter, in a letter or telegram to Larned, his closest associate on the Buffalo Express, who doubtless wrote this item.

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Paraphrase, Josephus N. Larned, “Personal,” Buffalo Express, 20 July 70, 4.

glyphglyphPrevious publication:glyph L4, 173.

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sickbed • sick-|bed

Jervis • Jarvis