[on back of letter as folded:]
Dec. 9. Meant to enclose this, honey, but sealed the envelop before I thought.
8 Decbr
23 rutland streetedinburgh
My dear friend — Thanks for the M. Post—& the capital speech— You must have enjoyed it, as well as they you. 1 When are you coming here?—are you under a “former”?—surely you will give us a turn—I had a kind note from Mrs Clemens—she will enjoy your glory & prattle of it to [Mel Megalopis] Susie— What of the Novel? 2 We are all well & dull— I am dodging about from door to door—as usual— Don’t trouble to write, only tell me when you know your time for invading us—& harrying the city— 3 Take care of your self—get 8 hours sleep out of every 24—& keep the Midland Counties regular—
Yrs ever
J. Brown
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L5, 499–500.
Provenance:see Mark Twain Papers in Description of Provenance.
Emendations and textual notes:
Mel Megalopis • Melgalopis