Hartford, Oct. 18.
My Lord:
In New York, on Friday, I learned of your presence at the Brevoort House,1 & made my plamns to call & pay my respects to you, but was persistently delayed until it was plainly too late to venture to intrude a visit at the hour that at last offered, so I was forced to give up the idea, greatly to my regret & my wife’s. We had to return home the next morning, & so lost all opportunity of seeing you.
We do greatly wish that you may be moved to come to Hartford & give us the opportunity to testify how much your kindnesses & courtesies contributed to the pleasure of our sojourn in London.
I am right glad to see by your speech that you seem to have been enjoying your visit to our country.2
[Truly ]Yours
‸With great respect‸
Samℓ. L. Clemens
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
There is no better preservative than the exercise of the poetic
faculty from religious hallucinations, from political delusions, and
I would say even from financial extravagances. Therefore through the
whole vast range of this new world be on the watch to look out for
and to encourage this great gift to man. his delight in being once more at home, his wonder at the signs of
progress in all directions which strike him after so long an
absence, and closed with a warm acknowledgement of Lord
Houghton’s liberal views as an English statesman, and his
generosity toward all forms of struggling merit. (“Lord
Houghton’s Visit,” 5)
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L6, 558–559.
Provenance:The Houghton Papers were donated by the widow of the second Marquess of Crewe
in 1959.
Emendations and textual notes:
Truly • [‘ly’ over miswritten ‘ul’]