Newport, Sept. 1.
My Lord:
I fear that you will be gone from Niagara before my note reaches you, but I will offset the fear with the hope that you will still be there; for the memory of your kind hospitalities to my wife & myself is strong with us, & we join in the cordial desire that you & your son will visit our home in Hartford & give us an opportunity to pay back a little of our debt. May we hope that you will be able to do this?1
We have been spending the summer here, but shall return to Hartford Sept. 8.2
With great respect.
Very Truly Yours
Samℓ. L. Clemens
To the Rt. Hon.
Lord Houghton.
Explanatory Notes
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L6, 531–532.
Provenance:The Houghton Papers were donated by the widow of the second Marquess of Crewe
in 1959.