Hartford Sept 17.
Dear Dan:
I wish you would write Messrs. Fair, Mackey & O’Brien,1 & ask them if they won’t save all the begging letters that come to them & send them to me from time to time. You know how rich my collection of this sort of literature is becoming, from reading some of those that Barnum sends me every month.
Yrs Ever
P. S. I destroy the names & addresses of such letters.
Wm. Wright, Esq
Union Hall Hotel
[return address:] if not delivered within 10 days, to be returned to| “Mark Twain” Esq| City.
[postmarked:] hartford conn. sep 17 6pm
Explanatory Notes
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L6, 535–536; Berkove 1988, 8.
Provenance:see the commentary for 29 Mar and 4 Apr 75 to Wright.