Oct. 21.
Friend Bliss:
Mrs. Moulton is a pleasant body & one you might write directly to, or go & see her., if you prefer. If there’s nothing in it, there’s no harm done. I would like to see them all quit the “trade”—still, if they prefer to stick to the ‸“trade,”‸ nobody is much damaged but themselves. I hope you will sell a pile of Howells’s book when it comes out—& Harte’s. The effect will be good.1
Mrs. Moulton is still stringing out her summer at Pomfret, Conn. , where ver
We are going to try to make the play run 200 nights in New York2
[letter docketed:] [and] Sam’l Clemens. | Oct. 21 ″74
Explanatory Notes
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L6, 260.