This is to inform lyceums that, after recently [withdrawing ]from the [lecture field ]for next Winter, I have entered it again (until Jan. 10), because I was not able to cancel all my appointments, it being too late, now, to find [lecturers ]to fill them. This is also to request that invitations for me be addressed to Mr. James Redpath, 20 Bromfield street, Boston, my lecture agent (instead of to me as heretofore), and thus some delay and inconvenience will be avoided.
Mark Twain.
Office Buffalo Express, Sept. 9, 1869. 1
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L3, 351; none known other than the copy-text.
Provenance:The location of the MS is not known.
Emendations and textual notes:
withdrawing • with[] |drawing [badly inked]
lecture field • l[e]cture fi[e]ld [badly inked]
lecturers • l[]ctur[e]rs [badly inked]