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Add to My Citations Samuel L. and Olivia L. Clemens
To Mrs. Wetherbee
May 1877 • Hartford, Conn.
(MS, photograph: C, UCCL 11503)
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[on the back:]

For Mrs. Wetherbee1

With kindest remembrances of
em spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceMr. & Mrs. Clemens,

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May ’77

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239 washington street

boston, mass.

under the superintendence of

mr. s. b. heald.

Explanatory Notes

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1Hannah Nye Wetherbee (1845?–1909) was the wife, since 1867, of hotelier Gardner Wetherbee (1838–1916). In 1868 he had been the manager of the Occidental Hotel in San Francisco, where Clemens stayed from April to July, while negotiating with the Alta California for the rights to his Quaker City excursion letters and writing The Innocents Abroad. In 1873 Wetherbee became a partner in the management of New York’s Windsor Hotel, on Fifth Avenue at 47th Street, “a new and exceedingly handsome hotel, situated in the heart of the fashionable residence section of the city” (Henry Hall 1895–96, 1:719). The Clemenses had stopped there in April 1874, as did members of the Langdon family in 1874 and 1875. The photo Clemens inscribed was taken on 14 or 16 November 1874 (10 Mar 1868 to Fairbanks, L2, 203 n. 2; L6: 18 Apr 1874 to Gray, 109 n. 2; 2? Dec 1874 to Miller, 302–3; link note following 21 Dec 1874 to Pugh, 328; 27 Jan 1875 to Langdon, 363 n. 1).

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MS, cabinet card photograph, C.

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