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Add to My Citations To Samuel H. Church
10–31 October 1875? • Hartford, Conn.
(Cyril Clemens 1965, 3, UCCL 11431)
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My dear Church:1

That was a blunder of mine, an egregious blunder, [& ]one peculiarly calculated to confuse & mislead. What I meant to say was that the twins were born at the same time but of different mothers. 2

Yours ever

Mark Twain.

Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary

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1 Samuel Harden Church (1858–1943) grew up in Pittsburgh, and in 1875 went to work as an office boy with the Pennsylvania Railroad Company in that city. He remained with the company for over fifty years, becoming vice-president of the western lines by the time of his retirement in 1928. Church also enjoyed success as a writer. His first novel, Horatio Plodgers: A Story of To-Day, was published in 1878; his numerous later works included a highly praised biography, Oliver Cromwell: A History (1894).

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2 In Mark Twain’s Test Book (the only source of this letter text), Cyril Clemens reported that in the late 1890s or early 1900s, Church and Clemens sometimes were dinner guests together at the home of Andrew Carnegie. (Church was secretary of the Carnegie Institute, founded in 1896.) But, according to Cyril, Church’s “contact with Mark really began years before, when he was a young man”:

He had finished an absorbing reading of his short stories, “The Jumping Frog and Other Tales.” Among them was one on “The Siamese Twins[]—those two unhappy mortals who were unseverally joined by a cruel ligament into perpetual companionship. He described their troubles, chief of which was that one having fallen in love, insisted on moonlight walks with his inamorata, although the other was crippled with inflammatory rheumatism. Then, at the end of the story, he remarked.

“Having forgotten to mention it sooner, I will remark in conclusion that the ages of the Siamese Twins are respectively fifty-one and fifty-three years.”

Church wrote the editor that he had read this story with deep emotion, but that he had been utterly nonplused by this concluding statement and would like him to clear it up. (Cyril Clemens 1965, 2–3)

Church could not have read “Personal Habits of the Siamese Twins” in The Celebrated Jumping Frog (1867), because it was not published there. It appeared in Packard’s Monthly for August 1869 (when Church was only eleven), and was then first collected in an American sketchbook, Mark Twain’s Sketches, New and Old, in September 1875 (SLC: 1869; 1875, 208–12). Church could have read the book soon after publication, or sometime within the next few years:

At one of these Carnegie dinners, Mark asked Church if he had not written to him years ago about the Siamese Twins; and he was laughingly interested when his admirer quoted his letter back to him, as he had always been able to do, from memory. Then he said—and his mood was humorous rather than sentimental:

“I have always held you in affectionate regard. Your letter was one to remember!” (Cyril Clemens 1965, 2–3)

The original “Siamese” (conjoined) twins were Chang and Eng, who in 1811 were born in Siam joined at the chest by a band of flesh. They were brought to Boston for exhibition in 1829, and later were exhibited by Barnum, in New York and in Europe. In 1843—having adopted the surname “Bunker”—they married two sisters and settled on adjacent plantations in North Carolina, where they fathered nearly two dozen children. Their deaths in January 1874 caused a flurry of newspaper stories, both factual and fanciful, and may have influenced Clemens to reprint his own 1869 sketch in Sketches, New and Old (Boston Globe: “Chang and Eng,” 23 Jan 74, 1–2; “A New Story of the Siamese Twins,” 29 Jan 74, 3).

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Cyril Clemens 1965, 3.

glyphglyphPrevious publication:glyph L6, 551–552.

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