morning express $10 per of the express printing company
express $8 per 14 east swan
weekly express $1.50 per annum.
buffalo, Sept. 24, 186 9.
[paraphrase: to Capt. M. B. Cox, San Francisco, introducing to him Prof. Ford and Charles F. Langdon, of Elmira, New York,] [who ]are bound around the globe on a pleasure trip ... Don’t tell them how you used to mix the cocktails at 7 bells, [& ]give mine to me in my berth, like the very best old rascal in the world, as you are. And don’t tell them about Mrs. Sherwood & those other ladies putting flour on my pillow the night of the 1st April1 ... & do you remember the night of the [“Equinoctial storm” ]which I put into poetry?2 I can’t think of that long, bewitching exquisite voyage without going into ecstacies of pleasurable [feeling.]
. . . .
[Yours for a thousand years,
Mark Twain.]
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L3, 357.
Provenance:The Argus Book Shop offered the MS for sale in a 1939 letter to George
Brownell. He evidently did not purchase it, although he kept the letter
describing it; see Brownell Collection, pp. 581–82. The present
location of the MS is not known.
Emendations and textual notes:
who • “who
& • and [also at 357.10, 11]
“Equinoctial storm” • ‘Equinoctial storm’
feeling. • feeling.” etc.
Yours ... Twain. • Subscribed and signed, “Yours for a thousand years, Mark Twain.”