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Add to My CitationsTo Victor Wolff
per Fanny C. Hesse
1? January 1877 • Hartford, Conn.
(MS, signed by SLC: NN, UCCL 10739)
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Victor Wolff Esqr

Dear Sir—

I accept with thanks the honor conferred upon me in my election to an Honorary membership of the “Cluster Literary Union.”1

Very truly yours,

Sam. L. Clemens

Explanatory Notes

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1Victor H. Wolff was president of the Cluster Literary Union of New York, an “association of young men” active in the late 1860s and 1870s. The society extended honorary memberships to other literary men of the time, including William Cullen Bryant and Horatio Alger, Jr. (“Lectures and Meetings,” New York Sun, 26 Nov 1868, 1; New York Times: “Third Annual Ball of the Literary Cluster Society,” 19 Nov 1869, 5; “The Ball Season,” 16 Nov 1871, 2; Bryant 1992, 360; Scharnhorst and Bales 1985, 119; in the last two publications “Cluster” has been misread as “Chester”).

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MS, signed, by SLC, David McNeely Stauffer Collection, NN.

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The David McNeely Stauffer Collection was donated to NN by Mrs. O. H. Rogers in three deposits, 1933, 1934, and 1941.