Buf. Sunday.
Have had a death in my house, & am hurried with literary work [beside1—]& so I give up the additions to the Map. Let Prang go ahead with the Map just as it is. One of these days, if the opportunity offers I will try to get up something which can be copyrighted & thus enure to mutual benefit. I wish I had the time to fix up the additions to this Map, for [ this there] might be a success made of it—but circumstances have put a [veto on] it. I hope Prang will make some money out of this work of art for I haven’t—& can’t, now because of my neglect to copyright it.2
I would like to lecture next year, but don’t know.
I have a notion to get up a hideous panorama & a bully accompanying lecture & put some fellow into your lecture field to go through the lyceums with it.
[letter docketed:] boston lyceum bureau. redpath & fall. oct 11 1870 [and] S. L. Clemens | 10/11 | ’70 [on attached slip:]
Dear Mr Prang:—
The enclosed speaks for itself.
Please return it
James Redpath
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L4, 205–206; Bangs, lot 81, brief excerpt.
Provenance:The present location of the MS, offered for sale in 1900 and owned in 1983 by
Axelrod, is not known.
Emendations and textual notes:
Redpath— • Red[path]— [obscured by inkblot]
beside— • beside—|—
this there • thisere
veto on • v[eto on] [obscured by inkblot]