c. j. langdon, president. j. d. f. slee, vice president. w. l. kingman, treasurer. w. d. kelly, secretary.
the mcintyre coal company presidents office
elmira, n.y. Aug.‸Sept.‸ 4 187 9
Dear Dan:
I arrived with 32 packages of stuff, & was on the Cunard dock 8 6 hours working them through the Custom-house formalities. Mr. J. E. Welch, one of the Customs officers, was a good deal of assistance to me, & in fact all of the officers were obliging. Welch wanted a scrap book, so I told him I would send him half a dozen, & if he could pass them around.
Will you please send them to him? His address is 8 State street.
I was the last passenger to get away (8 o’clock P.M.,) but it was because one of my trunks didn’t turn up for several hours. But I was lucky to get through at all, because the ship was loaded mainly with my freight.
We are all well, & were hoping to have a hand-shake with you, but judged you were off in the country cooling yourself.
Yrs Ever
S. L. C.
Source text(s):
Previous publication:Sotheby’s London catalog, 11 November 1963, lot 270, partial publication; Heritage catalog, unknown date, no. 1012, lot
127; MicroPUL, reel 1;
Sotheby’s catalog, 19 June 2003, lot 38, partial publication.
Provenance:Property of Major J. M. Pitcairn-Campbell offered for sale by Sotheby’s London, in November 1963; offered for sale by
Heritage Book Shop in 1995 and 1996; part of the Karanovich Collection sold by Sotheby’s on 19 June 2003 to Heritage Book