“Charity covers a multitude of sins.” Therefore, it is but the plainest & simplest wisdom to keep a supply of it on hand. I know a man who has kept his supply intact all his life, & never parted with a grain of it. This man prospers. Now let all take advantage of this [present ] Charity Fair to buy & lay in a real good stock of it.
Mark Twain
(Samℓ. L.
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L6, 593–594.
Provenance:The present location of the MS, inscribed in a commemorative autograph album,
is not known; the photocopy was donated to NNWH in January 1968 by Dr. George Baehr.
Emendations and textual notes:
present • pre[] |ent [‘s-’ not visible in photocopy]