My Dear Sir—
The book has come & I promise myself much pleasure in reading it. So I offer you my thanks in advance.
I was going to see Mrs. Shoot & Miss Mollie when I was last in N Y, but the business I was on kept me clear up to train time. Can’t write to Daly; I don’t know him well enough; but I had talked with him once, & shall [sieze] the first opportunity to do it again; meantime Mollie has a foothold & her chance will come[.] There are many aspirants who cant get even the poor grace of a foothold—& couldn’t keep it if they got it, poor fellows—but Miss Mollie will succeed, I think.1
Ys Truly
S. L. Clemens.
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Previous publication:Union Art Galleries catalog, 27 February 1934, no. 12, lot 50, partial publication; Sotheby’s catalog, 10–11
December 1993, no. 6515, lot 219, paraphrase; MicroPUL, reel 1.
Provenance:Formerly in the Robert Daley Collection; purchased by CU-MARK on 10 December
1993 through Sotheby’s.
Emendations and textual notes:
1876 • [possibly not written by SLC, although in the same ink as the rest of the letter]
sieze • [sic]