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Add to My CitationsTo Francis E. Bliss
24 January 1878 • Hartford, Conn.
(Sales catalog: Charles Hamilton Galleries,
3 February 1972, no. 55, lot 112, UCCL 10340)
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112em spaceCLEMENS, SAMUEL L. (“MARK TWAIN”). A.L.S. “Saml. L. Clemens,” 1 full page, small 8vo, Hartford, Jan. 24, (18)78. To “Dear Frank,” agreeing to have something sent to him, “. . . You’ve done exceedingly well. Looks like a decided improvement in business, if it may be taken as an indication of business over the country . . .”

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Charles Hamilton Galleries catalog, 3 February 1972, no. 55, lot 112.

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