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Add to My CitationsTo Herbert E. Hill
3 November 1880 • Hartford, Conn.
(MS: Jacobs; and sales catalog: Swann Galleries,
23 January 1947, no. 169, lot 312, UCCL 09943)
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Hartford, Nov. 3.

Herbert E. Hill, Esq

Dr Sir: I suppose the Middlesex Club enjoyed themselves last night. We had a gorgeous time of it here in the Opera House till midnight. When the news was all in & the victory ours, I prep onounced a funeral oration over the deceased Democratic Party—& we also sang “Praise God,” &c., in a mighty chorus. This town is feeling pretty good to-day.

I thank you very much for your kind invitation, & I have a consuming desire to accept it, but I’m obliged to decline, because no one ought to be at such a place without being able to talk if called upon; & I can’t talk a word without previous [preparation.] I would not be able to write & memorize a speech . . . if I should be called on to speak, it might answer to repeat my funeral oration. I’ll think the matter over.

[remaining text missing except for signature]

S. L. [Clemens].

Textual Commentary

glyphglyphSource text(s):glyph
MS, Jacobs, and Swann Galleries catalog, 23 January 1947, no. 169, lot 312.
MSTwo MS pages, Jacobs
‘Hartford . . . preparation’
PSwann Galleries catalog
‘I would . . . Clemens.’

glyphglyphPrevious publication:glyphSwann Galleries, 17 June 1976, no. 1029, lot 75, partial publication; MicroPUL, reel 1.

glyphglyphProvenance:glyphOffered for sale by Swann Galleries in 1947 and again in 1976; acquired by Seven Gables Book Shop by 1977, after which it was purchased by Victor and Irene Murr Jacobs; offered for sale as part of the Jacobs Collection by Sotheby’s in 1996.

glyphglyphEmendations, adopted readings, and textual notes:glyph

preparation. (MTP) • prepa- (MS)

Clemens (MTP) • CLEMENS (P)