office “express” printing co.
buffalo, Mch. 16 1870. dear sir: in answer i am obliged to say that it will not be possible for me to accept your kind invitation. i shall not be able to lecture again during the present season. thanking you kindly for the compliment of your invitation, i am yours truly, sam’l l. clemens. [“mark twain.”]
agents: boston lyceum bureau, 20 bromfield street, boston. |
P.S.—I replied this morning m by telegraph. I have not accepted an invitation (except one last night to help Mr. Nicholls read for the G.A.R.) since the 21st of Jan. I would like well to talk in Rochester, but must stick to present policy & decline. I am far behindhand with literary contracts that must be fulfilled.1
Yrs Truly
Samℓ. L. Clemens.
Explanatory Notes
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L4, 92; Merwin-Clayton, 1906, lot 1018, brief quotation.
Provenance:The letter was part of the George M. Elwood Collection when it was offered
for sale in 1906.