Jan. 16.
Dear Sir:
It seems that a relative of yours, a young Mr. Webster, of Fredonia, N. Y., has been paying serious attention to a young niece of mine, Miss Annie Moffett, of Fredonia, & my object in intruding upon you is to ask if you know anything against th Mr. Webster’s character & will be kind enough to communicate with me upon the subject.1 In one or two instances gossips have spoken against him, but so far as I can learn they are not particularly respect-worthy witnesses.2
Asking pardon for troubling you, I [ an am ]
Dear Sir:
Yrs Truly
Samℓ. L.
Mark Twain.
Prof. Whitney.
[letter docketed by Whitney:] S. L. Clemens | (Mark Twain) | Hartford, Jan. 16/75
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
I am very sorry that I can not return a
satisfactory answer to your inquiries. It is impossible for me to
say anything in favor of the young man in question—only,
it is also impossible for me to say anything against him, for if I
have any such relative, I have never been aware of it. And he added, “I feel almost personally
acquainted with you thro’ Mr. Trumbull, and have besides been
one of the collaborators (several times removed) in the
‘Gilded Age.’” James Hammond Trumbull
had provided the multilingual chapter epigraphs for The Gilded Age, including one in Sanskrit for chapter 54,
evidently prepared or verified by Whitney (MTBus, 239; “Business Directory,” Fredonia Censor, 13 Jan 75, 1; L4, 115 n. 2, 117–18; L5, 297–98).
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L6, 353–354.
Provenance:The William Dwight Whitney Family Papers were in part donated by his
daughters between 1894 and 1959, and in part purchased from John Elliott in
Emendations and textual notes:
an am • anm,