Geneseo Academy, per Telegraph Operator
18 February 1869 • Franklin, Pa.
(Paraphrase: Geneseo [N.Y.] Genesee
Valley Herald, 24 Feb 69, UCCL 04736)
The Y. M. A. had nearly completed arrangements for his lecture, and were still at work, about 10 o’clock on Thursday forenoon, when a telegram was received saying that he was “unavoidably detained,” and could not reach here that evening. Telegrams were sent him, and all possible means employed to get him here that evening, if possible, but, of course they were of no avail. He having said that he would be in Elmira until the 22d inst., telegrams and letters were sent him there,1
Explanatory Notes
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L3, 109–110; see Copy-text; LaVigne, 6, paraphrase.
Provenance:The original telegram is not known to survive.