to Louise A. and Robert M. Howland
3? September 1877 • Elmira, N.Y.
(MS, damage emended: CU-MARK, UCCL 04656)
[slc] farmington avenue, hartford.
Quarry Farm. Elmira
Dear Mrs Howland.
We were delighted to get your letter with the beautiful picture of your little girl in it—1
I have been waiting, before writing to thank you, to get some new pictures of our little girls, we have made one effort which was not successful so I have decided not to wait any longer but to send you an old one— The one that I enclose was taken about a year and a half ago—it was very good of the children at the time we thought—2
I should indeed like exceedingly to resume our [acquaintance—] When you come East I [wish that you] would come up to [Hartford] and spend two or three days with us. Do you often come to New York? I feel as if San Francisco people thought very little of taking that trip which seems to us so great an undertaking—
We are here on the East Hill near Elmira spending our Summer, we leave now for Hartford in a day or two—
Please remember me to Mr Howland.
With very pleasant memories of the few hours that we spent together I remain yours very truly
Olivia L. Clemens
“Great country—hey Bob?”3 The picture of our eldest child is good, but that of the other is in some respects a libel.
Your little girl is a marevel of grace & beauty.
I warmly greet you both.
Yr friend
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
MicroML, reel 11.
Donated to CU-MARK in 1977 by Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Gunn. Gunn (1906–90) was the son of the Howlands’ daughter Edith.
Emendations and textual notes:
slc • [monogram cut away]
acquaintance— • acquaint[◊◊◊◊—] [cut away]
wish that you • wis[h ◊◊◊◊ ◊ou] [cut away]
Hartford • H[art]ford [cut away]