The Langham Hotel
London, Sept. 10.
Dear Knox:1
God bless your heart, I have a wife with me; & a baby; & a nurse; I have been here 4 months; I have already spent [ten ]thousand dollars—& the end is not yet! Is it to such a man that you blandly recommend Vienna?2 Shall I spend my remaining two months over there in that expensive Empire & return to my home an imposing pecuniary [ruin? ]But I know you will excuse me. No, Knox, I shall stay right here in this hostelry till Oct 24.
Oh, no, my hands are full. We are building a house in America, & London is a good enough place to buy little odds & ends in for it, & so I have sent for more money & am going to [continue ]to collect the odds & ends calmly & with courage.
Many thanks for the speech.3 It is a mighty good one. The [ unl underlined ]remarks were some which I was about to make, once, but was interrupted.
I would like to write something for that Lotos book, but I can’t do it, because I am just as busy as I can be, on work that must be done & cannot be avoided by any subterfuge. Therefore she must go to press without me.4
Come, now, when shall we see you here?
Truly Yrs
Samℓ. L. Clemens
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L5, 435–436.
Provenance:The MS was owned by George Steele Seymour (1878–1945), whose
papers were donated to IGK in 1952 by the Bookfellow Foundation.
Emendations and textual notes:
ten • ten ten [corrected miswriting]
ruin? • ruin? ruin? [corrected miswriting]
continue • [‘nu’ conflated]
unl underlined • unlderlined