and Kate Field
23 June–18 July 1873 • London, England
(MS: Uk, UCCL 03718)
Mr. Clemens, called, representing in his person the family.1
For Ch Sir Chas.1 & Lady Dilke
& Miss
Explanatory Notes
Mr. Twain is endeavoring to instil civilization into
the Shah by sitting on the floor and playing draw poker, and says
that his august pupil makes wonderful progress in this great
American game, and will soon be able to play against the American
Minister or the brilliant editor of The Louisville
Courier-Journal, who now pines in May Fair for a partner
worthy of his deal. (Field 1873) Robert C. Schenck was the U.S. minister in London; the
editor of the Courier-Journal was
Clemens’s cousin, Henry Watterson. The date of
Field’s letter suggests that she may have been describing the
Dilkes’ 22 June dinner party, but their appointment book
notes the presence only of the Clemenses and Field, making no mention of
the shah. Still, she might have seen Clemens instructing the shah at
another of the many official and private parties given for him, even
though no independent corroboration of her report has so far been found
(Additional MS 43902, folio 185, and Additional MS 43964, folio 46,
Dilke Papers, Uk; Whiting, 315).
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L5, 386–387.
Provenance:The Dilke Papers were deposited at the British Library in 1939 by Gertrude
Tuckwell, the niece of the second Lady Dilke.