Esmeralda, June 9.
My Dear Bro.
I have received all the money you mentioned. $25 per week will be sufficient, but where is it to come from? Don’t take any from the Gov’t. funds, at all. I mean, don’t draw ‸on‸ your salary until you receive it, if possible. But sell all your town lots when a good cash [prrice] is offered.
“Das “Flyaway” is down 16 [feet],—$45 due from me on it. We shall have to sink 25 feet and then drift, before we find pay rock, I think—we could not have struck a more barren place on the whole ledge, I reckon.
The “Annipolitan” (which we hope will be the “Wide West’s” rich ledge,) has cost us $36 so far.1 We gave two men 100 feet to sink the 30-foot shaft which we contracted to sink. But we had to pay them $36 worth of powder & tools to do it with. However, we owed them that, for work done on other ledges for us.
But for God’s sake get out of that d—d office. I am ashamed to send anybody to it. Consequently, I have told [ Decay ] DeKay to inquire for Gov. Johnson’s—that he’ll find you there. ‸{Private‸ DeK is Deputy County Clerk, and “Secesh” they say.
Clayton’s last improvement is a big thing. He can work as fast as a mill can crush. I know all the chemicals, and the manner of using them, shall begin practice in a week or so.
When do you move?
You must do all the writing home. I haven’t written a wort word home since I left Carson.2 I am afraid the folks will not hear from me again while I remain in this part of [Calfornia].
Send me some 3ct stamps.
Did Bob Howland give you Crooker’s receipts? If so, [seend] me the money for Crooker—just whatever you get for his scrip.
Yr. Bro.
[in ink:] O. Clemens, Esq. |Carson City |N. T. [upper left:] Introducing Mr. DeKay, | [rule] [no postage stamp]
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L1, 218–219.
Provenance:see McKinney Family Papers, pp. 459–61.
Emendations and textual notes:
prrice • [sic]
feet, • [comma doubtful]
wort word • wortd [‘d’ over ‘t’]
Calfornia • [sic]
seend • [sic]