Everett House N.Y.
Election Day.
Dear Mother—
I have just received your letter [with ]the murder in it—haven’t read the latter—it is midnight & I shall go to bed in a minute & read it there. I like murders—especially when I can read them in bed & smoke.1
I made two calls, yesterday, in 49th & 53d street, & at the last place I heard of Clara Wiley—through a little Miss Pohlhemus—got the address & went there—in 45th street, I think it was—& took dinner & staid till 9:30 & then had to walk all the way home, clear down here to 17th street, because the omnibuses were all full & the weather cold as the mischief. Clara is very pretty & the boys very handsome. Mrs Wiley & Geo. are not a day older than they were when I saw them last, 12 or 15 years ago. Geo. was only at home a moment—business called him away—but I have to call on some more friends in that neighborhood day after tomorrow & shall call on him again in the evening.2 I called on Mrs. Garth & the girls to-day in Brooklyn, but could only stay a moment as I w had gone over to dine with some friends. Jno. & Helen have gone to Baltimore to [live.] 3
. . . .
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
After dinner, he & my father sitting smoking and I at desk, but listening doing
lessons—your uncle with hands deep down in his
pockets—usual attitude—he suddenly said
“George—I want your advise I am despertately in love with the most
exquisite girl—so beautiful,
unfortunately very rich. She is quite an
invalid—I have proposed & been refused a dozen times—what do you
think?” Father said Sam are you crazy
to think of such a
thing—“Thats what I was afraid you would say.
I know I’m too rough—knocking around the
world.” And the tears came. He took out his handkerchief
and wiped them away. Father said: “Sam, are you fooling?
Is this one of your blank jokes?” He saw he was terribly
serious and hurt. So father jumped up, ran over, took him by the
shoulders, gave him a shake and said: “Sam you old
Galoote, you. You’re not rough; you’re the
most perfect gentleman—the cleanest, most decent man I
know today. There is no girl in the world too good for you. Go for
her, and get her, and God bless you, Sam.” Mr. Clemens
said, “Well, I will go see her again tomorrow, and
I’ll harass that girl and harass her till
she’ll have to say yes! For
George, you know I never had wish or time to bother with women, and
I can give that girl the purest, best love any man can ever give
her. I can make her well and happy.” So he got her, and
made her happy. (Margaret Wiley to Samuel C. Webster, 16 Nov 1944,
item C73, NPV, and MTBus, 101–2)
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L2, 277–279; MTBus, 100–101.
Provenance:The missing MS page or pages may have been destroyed in 1904; see pp.
Emendations and textual notes:
with • [wh] [blotted]
live. • [This word ended the paragraph as well as the last line of the MS page.]