Everett House,
New York, Oct. 31.
Dear Mother—
Don’t worry—I’m all right. I’ll be in Cleveland Nov. 8—lecture there Nov. 17—so you can get ready to scratch. I’ll expunge every word you want scratched out, cheerfully.1 Love to all. (In a great hurry,)
P.S.—I Some few castles in Spain going up. I wrote an awful letter—but followed with another that set it all right. The answer was satisfactory to the subscriber.2
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L2, 277; MTMF, 47.
Provenance:see Huntington Library, p. 512.
Emendations and textual notes:
Cub • Cub Cub [corrected miswriting]
Mark • M Mark [‘M’ partly formed; corrected miswriting]