148 Asylum st
Hartford, [Oct. ]7.
Dear Sir: If I have heretofore told you the title of my proposed lecture I beg to alter it. I had not then written the lecture. I have just finished writing it now, & it has taken a little different shape from what I had expected—so I now call it: “The American Vandal Abroad.”1 I am one of those myself.
Yrs Truly.
Mark Twain
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L2, 262; possibly extracted in a 1968 issue of The Collector: A Magazine for Autograph and Historical
Collectors, published by Walter R. Benjamin, Autographs, New York (now Hunter), N. Y., although its appearance there has
not been verified.
Provenance:Victor Jacobs purchased the letter in December 1968 from Walter R. Benjamin, Autographs; Jacobs had begun transferring his
collection to ODaU by 1984.
Emendations and textual notes:
Oct. • O[]t. [blotted]