San F, July 5.
Dear Mother—
I lectured on Venice night before last—large audience & fashionable—& gave so much satisfaction that I feel some inches taller, now. Mind, I do not forget that I am right among personal friends, here, & that a lecture which they would pronounce very fine, would be entirely likely to prove a shameful failure before an unbiased audience such as I would find in an eastern city or on board the Quaker City. I only claim that these citizens here call this a good lecture—I do not claim, myself, that it is. I am satisfied it would be pretty roughly criticised in an eastern town.
But one thing I know—there is no slang, & no inelegancies in it—& I never swore once., never once was guilty of profanity.1
My steamer ticket is bought (at least I insisted on buying it, but they would not take the money,) & I sail tomorrow, sure—& hope to reach New York about July 28 in the “Henry Chauncey.” I always stop at the N Westminster Hotel. Can’t you drop me a line there, or to Dan’s care—121 Wm. st.?
Saw our engineer, Harris, last night. He is just in, from around the Horn—is 1st assistant in the Japan—new steamer, & Oh, such a perfect palace of a ship. I do want to sail in her so badly. [ H ]She leaves for China shortly.2 Harris’s berth is a good one. I am going to introduce him to all the nabobs of the Pacific Mail Steamship Company & make them promise to keep him in service & promote him to a chiefship as soon as they can.3 Kind regards to all.
Yrs, ‸(on the isthmus,
when you get this,)‸
Sam L. Clemens.
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L2, 234–235; MTMF, 33–34.
Provenance:see Huntington Library, p. 512.
Emendations and textual notes:
H • [partly formed]