San Francisco, May 28.
E. Bliss EsqDr Sir—H H. Bancroft & Co, Publishers, here, are anxious to have the agency for my book for this coast & Japan & China. Their subscrip-tion department is entirely separate from their other departments, & is superintended by a man who has no other duty to perform. They say they have sold 2,500 copies of Richardson’s Mississippi, & will sell about as many more. But the winter has been severe, & they would not let the agents go out & spoil the field for spring labor. They say they have an energetic crops of canvassers, & one which has been sifted of inefficient material; & that their subscription business [ in is ]ciphered down to a careful system.1
I said I would write you, because I have a large number of personal friends in Japan & China, & [ ◇ Mr. ]Burlingame told me not to overlook that trade.2 Bancroft has agencies there, & is establishing more. The paper I correspond for here (the Alta,) is taken by all the mercantile houses in that part of the Orient.
I shall have the MSS finished in twenty days & shall start east in the steamer of the i st July. If delayed beyond that time I shall go overland. I have the [R.R.s ]Co’s invitation to do so.3
Very Truly, &c
Sam. L. Clemens
[letter docketed:] Author [and] Samuel J Clements | May 28/68 | Author letter
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L2, 217–219; MTLP, 16.
Provenance:deposited at ViU on 17 December 1963.
Emendations and textual notes:
in is • is n
◇ Mr. • [‘M’ over partly formed ‘m’ or ‘n’]
R.R.s • [deletion implied]