Hartford, Nov. 28.
My Dear Howells=
If anybody talks, there, I shall claim the right to say a word myself, & be heard among the very earliest—else it would be confoundedly awar ‸kw‸ard for me—& for the rest, too. But you may read what I say, beforehand, & strike out whatever you choose.
Of course I thought it wisest not to be there at all; but Warner took the opposite view, & most strenuously.
Speaking of Johnny’s conclusion to become an outlaw, reminds me of Susie’s newest & very earnest longing—to have crooked teeth & glasses—“like mamma.”
I would like to look into a child’s head, once, & see what its processes are.
Ys Ever
S. L. Clemens
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
MTL, 1:374; MTHL, 1:283.
Provenance:See Howells Letters in Description of Provenance.