Tuesday A.M.
Windermere, Aug. 19.
My Dear Mr. Chatto:
In a picture-shop alongside the Haymarket Theatre there is an etching by Whistler of a View from his window on the Thames in Chelsea—price 7 guineas. We have concluded we want it for the young lady who is with us. If you can by buy it & get it to Liverpool by day after tomorrow evening, (Thursday,) please do so & charge to my account. Possibly you may be able to get it for less than 7 guineas—& that I would prefer, of course. Address it to
“Miss Clara L. Spaulding,
Care S. L. Clemens,
Washington Hotel,
It will even be time enough if it arrives Friday—our ship sails Saturday morning.
With many thanks for your many kindnesses, believe me
Ys Truly
Mark Twain.
Messrs. Chatto & Windus,74 Piccadilly.