Dear Mr. Healy—
We were very sorry to miss your visit, but we were out visiting ourselves. I’ve thought the portrait matter all over, & I see that it won’t do for me to attempt it. I take all my Saturdays & Sundays to rest in, when I am at work, & I shall have to continue that custom here in order to keep myself in working trim. As I do my resting in bed, it wouldn’t be a good position for ‸the portrait of‸ a professedly live man.
Thank you kindly for the vis your note, which I received a few moments ago. I hope I shall be have an opportunity to visit your studio with my wife, yet. Maybe she can go by herself on Thursday. I was not well enough to go out, yesterday.
Ys Truly
S. L. Clemens
Source text(s):
Previous publication:Chicago Book Auction catalog, 25 January 1933, no. 30, lot 59, paraphrase; MicroPUL, reel 1.
Provenance:The MS was offered for sale by Chicago Book Auction in 1933 as part of the collection of E. W. Evans; sometime before 1939 it was
purchased by businessman William T. H. Howe (1874–1939); in 1940 Dr. Albert A. Berg bought and donated the Howe Collection
to NN.