July 13.
My Dear Howells:1
Just as soon as you consented I realized all the atrocity of my request, & straightway blushed & weakened. I telegraphed my theatrical agent to come here & carry off the MS & copy it.2
But I will glad[l]y send it to you if you will do as follows: dramatize it if you perceive that you can, & take, for your remuneration, half of the first $6,000 which I receive for its representation on the stage. You could alter the plot entirely, if you chose. I would help in the work, most cheerfully, after you had arranged the plot. I have my eye upon two young girls who can play “Tom” & “Huck.” I believe a good deal of a drama can be made of [it. Come]—can’t you tackle this in the odd hours of your vacation?—or later, if you prefer?
I do wish you could come down once more before your holiday. I’d give anything!
Twichell heard from. Has caught his first 20-pounder.3
I’m looking for the music along, but it hasn’t arrived yet.4
Mrs. Clemens is doing tolerably well, only. Susie well again.5
Yrs Ever
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
The Howellses planned to stay in Shirley Village, a Shaker community about thirty-five miles northwest of
Cambridge, and then travel to Quebec to visit Howells’s father, the American consul there (Howells 1979, 100 n. 2; 21
June 74 to Howells, n. 2).
Howells’s story was “Private Theatricals,” published in the Atlantic from November 1875 through May 1876. The play may have been The Parlor Car, completed by
mid-February 1876 (see 29 Oct 74 to Daly, n. 4, and 5 July 75 to Howells, n. 1; see also 14 July 75 to Waring).
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L6, 509–11; Paine 1912, 252, and MTB, 1:548, excerpt; Paine 1917, 786, and MTL, 1:260, with omission; MTHL, 1:95.
Provenance:see Howells Letters in Description of Provenance.
Emendations and textual notes:
it. Come • it.—|Come