Hartford, Feb. 10.
My Dear Howells:
Your praises of my literature gave me the solidest gratification; but I never did have the fullest confidence [ im in] ‸my‸ critical penetration, & now your verdict on Stoddard has knocked what little I did have, [gally-west]! I didn’t enjoy his gush, but I thought a lot of his similes were ever so vivid & good. But it’s just my luck; every time I go into convulsions of admiration over a picture & want to buy it right away before I’ve lost the chance, some wretch who really understands art comes along & damns it. But I don’t mind. I would rather have my ignorance than another man’s knowledge, because I have got so much of [more] of it.1
Mind you try hard, on the 15th, to say you will go to New Orleans. If Mrs. Howells will contsent to go, too, I will make a pleasant young lady neighbor of ours go also, so she can have respectable as well as talented company.2
I send you No. 5 to-day. I have written & re-written the first half of it three different times, yesterday & to-day, & at last Mrs. Clemens says it will do.3 I never saw a woman so hard to please about things she don’t know anything about.
Ys Ever
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L6, 378; MTL, 1:249, with omission; MTHL, 1:65.
Provenance:see Howells Letters in Description of Provenance.
Emendations and textual notes:
im in • imn
gally-west • [sic]
more • mor | more [rewritten for clarity]