Home, 24th.
My Dear Howells:
I shall not stop the letter I wrote 2 hours ago, because it has the suggestion about the play—but I take back the remark that I can’t write for the Jan. number. For Twichell & I have had a long walk in the woods & I got to telling him about old Mississippi days of steamboating glory & grandeur as I saw them (during 5 years) from the pilot house. He said “What a virgin subject to hurl into a magazine!” I hadn’t thought of that before. Would you like a series of papers to run through 3 months or 6 or 9?——or about 4 months, say?1
Yrs Ever
If you can’t print the enclosed poem you must be sure to send it back to me. Seems good for a child of 17—though I am no judge of poetry—it is as much as I can do to write it.2
Explanatory Notes
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L6, 262–263; MTL, 1:229–30, with omission; MTHL, 1:34–35.
Provenance:see Howells Letters in Description of Provenance.