Elmira, Aug. 22.
Dear Howells:
I have just finished reading the Foregone Conclusion to Mrs. Clemens, & we think you have even outdone yourself.1 I should think that this must be the daintiest, truest, most admirable workmanship that was ever put on a story. The creatures of God do not act out their natures more unerringly than yours do. If your ‸genuine‸ stories can die, I wonder by what right old Walter Scott’s artificialities shall continue to live.2
But what I originally started to write about, was the fact that I saw Pope in Buffalo, who told [David ] Gray & me that he had received his first act & that it was a most noble & altogether perfect piece of work. I was not surprised, but I was gratified to see that he was not a swine who trampled calmly over pearls, mistaking them for paebbles. I argue well from his appreciation.3
I brought Mrs. Clemens back from her trip in a dreadfully broken down condition—so by the doctor’s orders we unpacked the trunks sorrowfully to lie idle here another month instead of going at once to Hartford & proceeding at once to furnish the new house which is now finished. We hate to have it gon longer desolate & tenantless, but cannot help it.
By & by, if the madam gets strong again, we are hoping to have the Grays there, & you & Aldrich ‸there, & your & the Aldrich house-holds & Osgood‸ down to engage in an orgy with them.4
Ys Ever
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L6, 209–210; MTB, 1:510, excerpt; Paine 1917, 783; MTL, 1:222; MTHL, 1:21-22.
Provenance:see Howells Letters in Description of Provenance.
Emendations and textual notes:
olc • [SLC rotated the stationery clockwise 90 degrees, so that the monogram appears on its side in the upper right corner]
David • David |David [ rewritten for clarity]