Hartford, Oct. 23.
A. R. Spofford, EsqDr Sir:
I enclose printed title of a Drama entitled “Ah Sin” which Mr. Bret Harte & I wish to copyright.
Please collect the check for $1 which I formerly sent.1
Ys Truly
Samℓ. L. Clemens
[enclosure:] 2
ah sin—a drama ‸:
Bret Harte & Samℓ. L. Clemens.
[letter docketed:] “Mark Twain” [enclosure docketed:] copyright oct 25 1876 [and in pencil:] 11948G | a of U. S
Explanatory Notes
Neither Howells’s enclosed specimen page nor Clemens’s response to his letter has been found.
By “Elzevirs” Howells meant books published by the Dutch printing firm founded in Leiden in 1580 by Lowys Elzevir. Before the original firm shut down in 1712—the modern firm Elsevier
succeeded it in 1880—it published thousands of titles, classical as well as popular. “The use of the word
‘Elzevir’ as a noun describing a ‘pocket-book’ sized collector’s edition of
the classics became quite commonplace in the educated parlance of the late nineteenth century” (Elsevier 2005, 1–2). Clemens presumably rejected Howells’s proposal for the
same “mercenary” reasons he had declined an 1875 proposal from the Atlantic
Monthly’s publishers (see L6, 379–80). In 1877 he issued his own pocket-sized book, A True Story, and the Recent Carnival of
Crime, reprinting those two Atlantic Monthly sketches, through James R. Osgood and Company (SLC 1874; SLC 1876; SLC 1877). Howells alluded to Harte’s foolish and immoderate attack, in September 1876 letters to the New York press, on critics of his play,
Two Men of Sandy Bar (for details of the episode and Harte’s letters, see Scharnhorst
1992, 56–59; Scharnhorst 1995, 144–45; and Harte 1997, 128–33, 135–37, 139–41).
Previous publication:
MicroPUL, reel 1.
Provenance:The Spofford Papers were acquired by DLC between 1923 and 1982, primarily as a
donation from Barbara Spofford Morgan.