Buf. 10th.
Dear Bro:
Have just sent out 160 MS pages of my book to be copied1—shall have it back next Tuesday. Then I will ship it to Bliss & mark a chapter to be transferred to the Columns of the Publisher.2
We must store all our furniture—that will be the best plan, for the reason that it will not be needed by us for at least 2 years—I mean to take my time in building a house & build it right , & —even if it does cost 25 per cent more.
So whenever the present house is sold we will box & ship the furniture to Bliss & let him rent a place & such as he describes, to store it in.3 I am very much obliged to him [indeed]. We won’t take less than $25,000 for the house, though, & so it may take us 6 months or a year to sell it (though we expect to sell it soon.)
Please sit down right away & torture your memory & write down in minute [detail ]every fact & [exploit ]in the desperado Slade’s life that we heard on the Overland—& also describe his appearance & conversation as we saw him at Rocky Ridge station at breakfast. I want to make up a telling chapter from it for the book—& will put [ in it ]in the Publisher too, as soon as the agents begin to canvass.4
Love to Mollie,
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L4, 348–349; Hill 44–45, brief excerpt; MTLP, 61 n. 1, brief excerpt.
Provenance:It is not known when the MS became part of the Berg Collection, given by Dr.
Albert A. Berg to NN in 1940 but continuously enlarged since then. A
Brownell typescript is at WU (see Brownell Collection in Description of
Emendations and textual notes:
indeed • in[] |deed [obscured by glued edge]
detail • [‘t’ uncrossed]
exploit • [‘t’ over miswritten ‘it’]
in it • int