slc/mtfarmington avenue, hartford.
Aug. 2.
I would greatly like to do that, but I very seldom write a miscellaneous article [now-a-day-s], & the I am already under contract in London & America for all such things that I do write. So you see I can’t.1
I wish you would remember me gratefully to friends in the Savage & Whitefriars2—especially Henry Lee, if he will only be good & not so lazy & tell me what amount of money it was I once borrowed of him ‸in‸ Paris & told Dolby to repay him & Dolby writes that he forgot it3—& I’ve forgotten the amount & Lee is too indolent to drop me a line—& I never will borrow money from such a lazy man again! I think Lee means to “lay low & keep dark” & get rich on the interest. A literary child has no show with one of those old cunning financial frauds.
Ys Truly
Samℓ. L. Clemens
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
MicroPUL, reel 1.
Donated in 1984 by Cyril Clemens.
Emendations and textual notes:
Mr. Dear • [sic]
now-a-day-s • [sic]