Nov. 230, 1880.
My Dear Whitmore:
How could you go & remember a body in this graceful & beautiful way? It goes far toward reconciling me to the fact that I stand to-day on the mid-summit of life & am for the first time looking down upon the country beyond, while the sun in the zenith has begun to [tilt] westward toward his setting.
Thanks, ever so many thanks—& from this day forth let both of us cease from scoffing at the old; for we be of that lot ourselves, now.
Truly Your friend
S. L. Clemens
Franklin G. Whitmore, Esq | 116 Main st. | City [postmarked:] hartford conn. [remainder of postmark torn away]
Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:MicroML, reel 4.
Provenance:See Whitmore Collection in Description of Provenance.
Emendations and textual notes:
tilt • tilt tilt [rewritten for clarity]