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Add to My CitationsTo Franklin G. Whitmore
18 May 1880 • Hartford, Conn.
(MS: CtHMTH, UCCL 01807)
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Hartford, May 18.

My Dear Whitmore—

Those delightful little creatures came, & were served up broiled, & I disposed of them with vast relish, & told George to go out & catch some more; but I learned, then, that they were not June-bugs, but were regular & genuine a totally different sort of while wild game, & had been sent by you. All right, then, to you I deliver the thanks of the house. Mrs. Clemens enjoyed them as much as I did. She is sitting up three hours a day, now, but is not allowed to quit her room yet—& won’t be, for some days longer.

I’ve got two entirely satisfactory suits of clothes, thanks to you & the talent of your tailor.

With the kindest regards of the Clemenses to you & Mrs. Whitmore, I am

Truly Yours

S. L. Clemens


F. G. Whitmore, Esq | Montowese House | Branford | [Conn.] [return address:] return to S L Clemens hartford, hartford co., conn., if not delivered within.............days. [postmarked:] new haven train sta may 19 4 am [and] hartford conn. may 19 6 pm

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Conn. • Con[[white diamond]] [torn]