Apl. 21.
Friend Bliss—
Wm A. Seaver is now & has been for many generations, editor of Harper’s Drawer. Send him a cloth book—write on the fly-leaf [remainder in pencil:] paste this card on the fly leaf—& charge to—well, it is in effect a press copy, as he is an editor. Do as conscience shall dictate.
187 Broadway N.Y.
April 20th 1880.
My charming old Ruffian:–
I’m going to Yurup in two or three weeks, and unless you send me your Tramp, which purports to be inaccessible to anyone but subscribers, I shall positively be without any intellectual hash, cod, or anything else lovely and nourishing. It would be a great and good thing if I could steal a few sweet jokes from it for the Drawer.
Ain’t you coming down here within a couple of weeks? I would cherfully spend the price of a tramp in salooning you at the Union or Lotos,—and never shed a tear.
Essentially Yours,
Wm. A. Seaver.