My Dear Mother & Sister.
We leave for Boston, to-morrow, to give Livy a week’s rest & change of aggravations—usually styled “change of scene.” The children & Rosa go with [us. All] hands are pretty well. I believe this is all the news I have—it doesn’t take long to tell it.
Orion’s head is as full of projects as ever, but there is one merciful provision—he will never stick to one of them long enough to injure himself. He was writing an exceedingly readable book—a sort of narrative which I suggested to him—but he began to flood me with daily chapters of it, & I wrote & protested against this thoughtless [invasion] of my time, & told him to send his MS monthly—which of course knocked him & his book in the head at once; for he is like any other baby, & must have his pattings on the back & his encouragements every few hours, else his purpose peters out.
Livy & the rest of us—meaning the children—send love to you all. It looks as if Sam’s judgment about Grant’s chances for nomination may prove correct.
Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
MTBus, 146.
Provenance:See McKinney Family Papers in Description of Provenance.
Emendations and textual notes:
us. All • us.—|All
invasion • inv invasion [corrected miswriting]