Hartford, Dec. 5.
My Dear Fuller—
Come to my help again! See if the musical box people haven’t got an expert who can run up here ‸right away‸ & tell me what is the matter with a $500-box which I ordered in Geneva, & what sort of a box it is, & how much it is damaged & what it will cost to repair it. The man will need to be a person who has actually made or repaired boxes, I judge, for this thing is so mysterious a machine that it will easily baffle an amateur. The matter is important, because I am about to put a chapter in my book which must not go in if the Geneva people have not done me a dishonesty.
I hope this won’t be any serious trouble to you, for I don’t want to tax a willing friend too much.
I drew out of Dan Slote’s speculation because my lawyer insisted that it was risky, although it promised mighty-well & seemed to have a deal of money in it.
Yrs Ever