per Fanny C. Hesse
7 November 1877 • Hartford, Conn.
(MS: ViU, UCCL 01502)
Nov 7th 1877
Dear Mr Chatto
It is a right down generous offer you make & if the books didn’t cost much I accept with pleasure, . b But if they were expensive it would not be fair to let you t pay the whole cost of a blunder which was not yours but a subordinate’s—in which case let us divide the expense, & shake hands across the bloody chasm.
It was not about the Tom Sawyer act with me that I was inquiring, for that is all correct. I was simply anxious to know if Conway had paid himself his royalty or if you had paid it to him. The main thing was I wanted him to get it. I did not care anything about the details, I only wanted to know that he got it.
Have received your checks for 5.qs. and £7.10.0. Thanks, they are satisfactory, especially the latter. The larger a check is, the more I like it; & the more I honor & glorify the sender, & the more it stirs me up to high literary achievement in that man’s behoof.
Very truly yours.
Samℓ L.
Pr F. C. H